Based on the academics calendar, every school have 4 times of evaluation in a year. They are first mid-semester evaluation (PTS Gasal), final of first semester evaluation (PAS Gasal), second mid-semester evaluation (PTS Genap) and final of second semester (PAS Genap). Just like other Indonesian school, SMPN 1 Dukun also implement the newest curriculum, Merdeka Curriculum. However, it implements only for seventh grader students in this year. It has change some terms related to the academics issue included for Middle and Final Semester Evaluation term. Summative middle and final semester evaluation itself is known as the evaluation term in Merdeka Curriculum, which has the same meaning with Middle and Final Semester Evaluation.
The second mid-semester evaluation and Summative Mid-semester Evaluation of 2022-2023 are the annually evaluation which is held in the middle of second semester in a year 2022-2023. The Second Mid Semester Evaluation is carried out for the 8th and 9th grade students and Summative Mid-Semester is for the 7th grade students.
It is a must for the students of SMPN 1 Dukun to have the evaluation, including the Second Mid-Semester and Summative Mid- Semester Evaluation of 2022-2023. Last week, SMPN 1 Dukun held PTS Genap as the evaluation of mid-semester. PTS Genap was carried out during 6 days, from 6th of March to 11th of March 2023. The students were managed to have certain place in doing the evaluation. The 9th grade students were placed in the same room with the 8th or 7th grade students. The room was undertaken by a teacher. The students had 120 minutes to finish the evaluation of Bahasa Indonesia, Mathematics, English and Science , but only 90 minutes for the others. The evaluation started from 07.30 a.m. dan lasted at 11.30 a.m.
There were 2 subjects which was evaluated for 5 days, from Monday to Friday and only 1 subject for the last day. The evaluated subjects were Bahasa Indonesia, Religion and behavior Education ( PAI ) for the first day, Monday. Mathematics and Civics/Citizenship for Tuesday. On Wednesday students had English and Social knowledge. On Thursday they had Science and Javanese Language. On the 5th day, Friday, there were Physical Education and Arts and Culture . On the last day , Handkerchief was the only subject which is tested.
The students looked very serious and showed their spirit to pass the evaluation. Everything went well on this evaluation. Hope that their result as their expectations. Effort won’t betray the result.
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